Well hey there.
So today, woke up after a good sleep and a shower feeling great. Went for a run, had anothr shower, breaky and then a visit with Gram witch was great...I hope I'm doing that well when I'm 90 lol and she's 100! Had a super visit! Going back for one more before I hit the road. So came back and met up with Gary and we went to the gym and I had a good workout....so did Gary...he can lift! Then went out for some really good Mexican food!! Mmmmmm, beans..tacos...nachos and salsa!
So now, with help from Gary...planned out the next legs of the trip. I'm going to head south to northern California and see the redwoods, then from there, cross into Nevada, Idaho, then into Wyoming for Yellowstone. Spend a day or so exploring the park, then east to Mt Rushmore and after that burn east to Green Bay...hope to be there Friday night or Sat night so I can figure out the proper tail-gateing procedures!
So going to be a busy week. I doddled down here, one more day of easy driving and then the long hauls begin :)
Stay tuned! Oh, I was going to start putting pics up on photonucket and linking them to the blog in a slide show....but to upload the photos would take literally hours....and I don't know how to select multiple pics to do a large uploads. So once I get a wired connection, I'll start putting them up...
That's it for tonight. Hope everyone is doing well...cheers Gnite :)