Sunday, November 14, 2010

So I might as well go....I'll have a job soon enough...I hope...and I can kick into ultra Jew mode.
So here I sit outside a packed Starbucks in downtown Pittsburgh on a rainy, gloomy day. Guess it's time to make my was down to the field...I'm seeing all of ppl heading that way now.
Feelin kinda lonely today
Next report tonight or tomorrow I suppose.

The rain finally found me

Good morning all.
Well let's thought I was going to go to a hockey game yesterday...find the thru another getto that reeked of had a sweet run down barber shop, old shitty buildings, and some dude in a sweet lime green suit! So I parked and started to wonder around...still lots of time before puck drop...oh...I covered this already didn't I....ya I did...ok...well after that it's now like 1.5 hrs to game time, no ppl, no anything...check the secd again...I read it wrong...pens are playing...just in bad.
So off to Hienz field I go to find some tailgate action as I did in Green Bay...ya not so much. GB the party started a full 2 days before the game. So I park and find Jarome Bettis's grill.....nice place and not too expensive. Packed I talked to one of the gals up front and she said just find a spot at the bar....she also liked my hoodie! Got me an ok burger....not as good as at Flannigans in Cleveland but still good...watched the pens game then grabbed the tripod and went down to the river and took some pics. Got back to the van round 11...watched some Xfiles and called er a night.
Woke up this morning....found a place to park for 5$ as opposed to 35$ near the's prob a 30 min walk to the field from where I parked. So now all I have to do is find a cheap ticket...not going to be easy I think. But I'm here...