Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 14 Thoughts that one and thoughts.

Thoughts everyone seems to be totally surprised that I'm doing this trip alone. And i guess at the beginning i was surprised i was doing it by myself as well. But now that I'm here...its no big deal....i guess.....I mean i miss everyone, i miss going to my gym, running on my routes, sleeping in my bed, having a shower everyday!.....and stuff like that. But its a good thing....its an experience. The guy that i was talking to last night said some great things.....he said....what your doing is amazing, and you'll look back and go wow.....and i said, ya i know....but right doesn't feel like such a big deal...the experiences and things I've done......doesn't seem that grand. But its because I'm here, right now in it. When i look back it will be even better....more memorable.....if that makes sense......he have fun and enjoy the ride! (it would be easier to enjoy the ride in a 500,000$ motor home!)
So now that the first 2 weeks are done, 6000 or so km behind me......i think the real trip starts.....and to honest.....I'm a bit scared. The first two weeks, there was a loose plan.....i like its all open, random.....I've got an idea where i wasn't to go...Milwaukee, Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, DC, Boston, and back up into Canada.....but i find myself hesitant. But ill hit the road and make it work. That's the only way to do it i guess.
So.....having one of those days. I don't feel all that great, prob cus i haven't had a shower or worked out in a week or so...and I've been drinking for the last 2 days......not making excuses or complaining....i made my bed ill sleep in it.
Choices need to be made.....choices are being they are good or bad....i made the choice to booze it up and have fun...and that's ok....i have to be ok with that. But i feel guilty for doing it. I don't want to go back to 235lb Greg. Never again.
Being on the road....its hard on your body for sure.....once excuses....just love to go run every day, and work out and sweat.....but personal hygiene becomes a problem as well as laundry.....i can barley stand myself right now! Its stuff you don't think about at home. I have been looking for gyms....they are harder to find than you might think down here....drop in would prob be 10$...same as a shower at a truck its a better option, i can work out, have a shower and move on....maybe once i hit some bigger cities ill run into some.....So anyway....when i get the chance i do......but i just have to watch what i eat.....mostly cliff bars, chicken and G2.......and know that when i get home its going to be an up hill battle to get back what i have lost. Ive never really been to comfortable in my skin....even after losing 20 lbs..even knowing I'm a good runner....i still think i look like I'm 230lbs. I have to learn to be ok with me......and this is a battle that will rage on forever.
.........You may wonder why I'm spilling my guts on here and getting into my issues and putting them out answer is......well...i don't know. I said to myself that anything i type can not be must be posted........There is a great line from a Sara McLachlan song.....'we are screaming inside, but cant be heard' That's kinda how i feel right now. I guess this is my way of being heard......I want to scream and lash out....but i cant......there is so much uncertainty right now, work, relationships, life paths......will my van make it home (lol).
I love my freedom....i love that i can do what i want when i want to.....and everyone that has a job, family, house, kids, mortgage, car payment, responsibilities......wants to be where i am right now, stinky, hungover, feeling very gross sitting in a Starbucks in Green Bad WI......I'm happy I'm here....but i look fwd to getting my life back on track and moving fwd and having some responsibilities. Stability is nice. Everyone's life is different...and everyone wants different things in life.......everyone needs to be happy with where they are, what they are doing...don't be jealous of anyone....enjoy you and your situation and the ppl around you. At the end of the day....friends,family and your own happiness are all you have....don't take them for granted. I hope that friends and family reading this know how i feel bout all of them. done for now........time to hit the road to Milwaukee and see whats down there.


Weekend 14

Well hey there. Thanks for stopping by!
I wanna start this one off by saying....I'm done polluting my body for a costs too much money and i feel and look like shit.....that might also be due to the fact i haven't had a shower since.........Idaho?....ya, Idaho. to Green think....big football team = big town.....not so much.....think of Green Bay like.....i don't know.....its a farming community, there is nothing in town, all old buildings, no high rises, lots of churches....very very rural. And then boom......Lambeau Field.....and a mega football team. 100,000 people in town....73,000 at the game......un real experience. The team is owned by the people.....there are 112,000 share holders in the team, its the only team in the NFL like that.
So I'm on the outskirts of town....looking for....something...anything...and there is this shitty yellow sign nailed to a tree that says Lambeau i bust a right and follow it down this nice treed road with these old houses....i come to an intersection.....and boom....there it is. This huge stadium in the middle of nothingness! Park and start to walk around. Green and Gold every where....brought a smile to my face! Made my wy up to the stadium from the parking busy....there was a women's show going on, a wedding, and something to do with girls football. Went tinto the pro shop.....Packer much shit to spend money on! Anything and everything with a G on it was there. So wonder around for a while...go back to the main area and get my self a ticket for a tour of Lambeau....11$....fair deal....had to kill some time...back to the pro shop, got a hat and a few things for a friend then tour time.
Got a Packer history lesson, got to go up yo a luxury box, got to go out the tunnel the Packers do...really a cool before the tour, i was wondering around and i herd ' those guys are from Canada' so i ask and this lady pointed to this group of dudes....i ask...are yall from Canada?....yep....Winnipeg....I'm from Van! They are there on a batch party and were actually at the Wild game the night before as well! So they do their tour, i do mine...and we happen to bump into each other after the tours.....time to have a beverage....Up to Curlys....its on the second floor in Lambeau.....and sitting and bs'ing slamming down Captain and cokes! Fun dudes! Got outta there before i had to many so i could still move my van to the Kmart parking lot! Moved my van.....and wondered around the party for abit.....then went to meet up with those dudes again for some wings.....went out to a club after that...then they bailed to the titty bar...guess they forgot about me! oh well. So i met some people, a big black dude, a Marine....did some dancing, and stumbled back to the parking lot for some more tailgating and sleep.
Woke up.....went to the gas station, grabbed some beers....let the tail gating begin! Wondered around to some people i had met the night before, and to this one group..they had a old school bus all in green and gold, had a beer there and a chat...they had a mega intense game of beer pong going!....everyone is super nice! "hey you need a beer? need a burger?" So cool! Had some pudding shooters, apple pie out! Brats.....people were bbqing up a storm! Open booze everywhere....Cops did not long as everyone was worries. So wondering and drinking, throwing the football around....met some more cool dudes down for the game....ended up hanging with them for the rest of the day. We did a few laps around the parking lot...then i want back to the van to get some more beer....and the people parked in front of me said HEY!....i was like HEY! "you wanna slap the bag?!".......Yes, yes i do. Not knowing what 'slapping the bag is! So out comes a bag of rosey wine....some one holds it up, you take a good pull and after.....with great style of slap the bag! Good times! One of the guys brother in laws.....something...i don't really remember......was from White Rock! Small world eh!
So went and met up with those other guys and we made our way around again.....slapped the bag one more time, and then down to the Lambeau parking lot for some tailgating down there. Mega.....lots of ppl! So much the parking lot of Lambeau, playing football with random people! There was this one gal and her boyfriend chucking it i start ended being like.....what was that game"300!!!" and you have to catch the ball....anyways...played for a while....she could play! She was not afraid to mix it up! We were playing this among lots of ppl wondering around! So much fun!
Time to head inside for the game.......Wow......unreal. Ill never forget it. It brought a tear to my eye....amazing. It was awesome, every one in the joint was into it...the atmosphere was electric...if a big play happened, the place exploded! and there were alot of big plays that night!
The game was great...Dallas got stomped! The people who's seat it was that i bought were sitting in the 2 seats beside me....real nice people and they said if i ever want tickets of play off tickets to give them a call! So nice!
So after the game...i hung out for a while and soaked it in a bit more....and made my way back to the Kmart parking lot.....there was not a heck of alot going on....alot of ppl had packed up and gone home....there was a few ppl givin er tho. Met up with the tailgating group of guys again....they were surprised i was still going...i witch i replied.....'im Canadian! how we roll!' Threw the ball around abit more and i went back to the van, fired it up to get some heat in there before bed....saw a lone dude stand by a 500,000$ or so diesel pusher...went and said hi, chatted for a bit.....and called er a night.