Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Friday....morning of the last day

Well....here we are. Almost 7 weeks later. Wow. I don't want to write this right now...I'm sitting at Tim Hortons....had a long drive yesterday...nothing eventful...big head winds thru the prairies wishing the deli was either more aerodynamic or had more power....watched alot of Boston Legal, and arrived at Morgans after 12. 
We stayed up till after 3 bs'ing and such...might of had a few  captain and cokes :)....hemi slept with me on the couch...love that dog! And here I am. Last day.
What I don't want to write right now is my thoughts/re-cap of the trip....people, experiences, the good and the bad.
I can feel a bunch of emotion welling up just thinking about how grand this trek was. 
It has changed me for the better hopefully. The man I was when I started this trip to where I am now...2 different people.....I said I was not going to write this and here I am writing it lol!
Well I'm going to gold off and go say hi to nana, then drop in at GSH and drop off a resume...then Kelowna bound....700km ish and it's done.