Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wed morning......from Quebec City.

Well made it here from PEI...think it was around 950km yesterday.....uneventful drive....other than the rain coming into the city. Navigating around a french city at night in the rain...even with a gps sucks!
I made a stop in Fredericton and tried to get new wiper arms at Can tire...but to no i lubed them up in the hopes that they will work better...i also got a set of those wing thingys...they work not too bad...
no real stories over the last couple days....just been reflective mostly. Thinking bout the end of the trip, the holiday season, friends and as well.
dunno...not much to say right a bit of a weird mood right now....think the rain has bummed me out abit. I have been so fortunate with the weather this trip and now the driving cold rain makes it hard to go wonder the city.
Tomorrow im off to Montreal to hang out with Steph for a couple days and prob poison my liver abit.
Updating my pics on fb....ya.....thats all i got for now.
Miss everyone.