Well they call it a rain Forrest for a reason! Good god it rained hard last night! Woke me up a few times!
Oh...just a note..if your 100yr old great grandma gives you some fruit for the road...check it first to make sure it's not rotten! As I was stopping for the night, I noticed a little fly scooting around the van...and then anothr and another...so I turned on the light and..oh my..lots of little fruit flys! Shitty deal indeed! So the fruit went into the trash promptly! And the seem to be gone now!
Went for a run on the redwoods after my hike thru Stout grove. Great run, great time..was a mix of trail running over rocks and roots and stuff with some good up and downs, slippery bridges and abrupt endings! I cane around this one corner and boom!...river! I thought it was going to wrap around and follow the shore...nope! So slammed on the brakes and ate shit abit! But overall a good run!
So I'm back @ Starbucks updating everything and I'll be heading for Reno tonight...not too sure how long it's gonna take...but I'll giver and see where I end up.
I am enjoying the trip so far...I do miss chatting with friends.
Anyways...I should hit the road.
Cheers everyone!