Thursday, November 25, 2010

Late post from Boston

This is what I wrote while sitting in Copley Square...I pulled out one paragraph.
So this is from 2 days ago

Copley Square

So here I sit in Copley Square...watching the people, the birds, the artists sketching the Boston Public Library...I'm transcribing a Daft Punk song, enjoying the unseasonably warm Boston fall and thinking bout the trip that has gone by, the experiences, the people, the good days and the bad and realizing how much I needed to do this and how much of a fuckin downer I was before I left.
After being in Boston for a few days now, re charging, getting healthy head is clearing...slowly. I'm thinking about work again and how I want to go back. I'm thinking of different options that I can look into...not limiting myself to anything.
(edit) that I got that out....I must thank S and J for the amazing hospitality over the last few days.....even tho they are never there ;) they gave me keys and said me casa su casa...I prob got that wrong but....I'm I pilot and AME...not a speller! Being here has made me so much better. The city, the runs, the atmosphere....has re-charged me and put a smile on my face that I can't get rid of. Leaving here will be hard. But I know I will be back again.....possibly to do the Boston Marathon.....just a thought at this's a lofty goal.
So as the pigeons fly around and shit on the wind blows, the leaves tumble...Nirvana Unplugged flows thru my head and the people wander.....WANDER thru the farmers market....I am very introspective today...if you couldn't tell! These days are sometimes good and sometimes bad...this is a good day. 

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