Friday, November 5, 2010, 11

So I'm in Sioux Falls SD, right on the border of Minnesota and SD. Got bout 9 hrs a head of me if i want to make GB tonight....and i think i will.
to really much to up date. Yesterday was driving thru WY mostly during the day and SD thru the night. Got to see Mt. Rushmore.....very cool place. Got some good pics of it.  After that was more driving!
So as there is not much to bout some random stuff/rants....

Have you ever seen the people of Walmart email.......well during my travels...I've been it there twice.....that email is no joke! Those people do exist and in large amounts.......and i do mean large!! do you let yourself get like that! do you leave the house looking like that!!!...Stretchy pants are not for you!!!
I felt cheaper and stupider just going in there! Everyone has this blank trailer park stare on them! It should be studied!

What else.......that's all i got really.....once i spend some time in GB...then there will be some updates! Tailgating, the game....gonna be epic!

So...i wanna hit the road and see Minnesota...gonna miss a good chunk of WI in the dark....thats the way she goes when its dark dark @ 6 or 7....what time zone am i in........shit......central?

Cheers everyone

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