Thursday, November 4, 2010


This is from 2 days ago...and after this I'll continue for yesterday and today So far!


So I'm in Jackson Hole WY....epic climb to get over Teton pass...8100+ feet...deli had to make a stop to cool down near the top...great view of Jackson hole from the this is good beer.....I'm sitting at a place called the silver dollar...I have a pint of Mighty Bison brow ale and some elk sliders on the music starting up in 20 min or so. Anyways...ya, nice drive, clear skies and snow on the ground.
Had my first truck stop shower today....not as bad as you might think! It was 10$....that sounds like alot...but after 3 or 4 days with no shower and a run....well worth the cash! So you pay, then you get a code...and go into a locked bathroom...very clean, they had towels...very nice. Had a good shower and a shave and you walk outta there feeling like a million bucks ready to dominate the road ahead!
Got the deli's oil changed today in Twin Falls, saw some great scenery and blazed to Jackson.
I think the sat radio is conspiring against me.....last night on a long, dark, lonely stretch of road with nothing but stars and the odd truck going the opposite direction to life the way....3 songs...not all in a row but within 15 mom of each other came on....dam....of so seems when I'm busy I'm ok...but when I have time to think...and of course if a song comes's all down hill. I'm not sure how to work past this problem.....will it ever go away? or is it just something you learn to deal with? I think I have to learn to deal with it and move on...what else can I do right...
It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all....I'm not sure how to follow that up...I don't know of anyone can. Man up, accept it and move on.
Anyways....the band just started...kinda blue grass, county, some old dude with suspenders and some sweet moves is 2 stepping with some gal...awesome! Beer #2 is almost down the hatch....gonna be a good night...just need to find some ppl to chat with!


  1. we miss you Greg!!!
    by "we" I mean, me Jay and my fruity dog!!!
    you know you love him! ;)

  2. Miss yall too!......and yes...even your doggy!
